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    导演:Nicole Lucas 


    Chicken People is a funny and uplifting look at the world of show chickens and the people who love them. Starting at the largest national poultry competition, likened to the Westminster Dog Show for chickens, Chicken People follows three top competitors over the course of a year as they grapple with lifes challenges while vying to win the next years crown. Both humorous and heartfelt, Chicken People is an unforgettable celebration of the human spirit.

    纪录片养鸡人在线观看免费完整版由天空影院www.tkyyww.com于2023-06-14 19:51:23收集整理于网络,并提供养鸡人全集优酷、腾讯、奇艺、芒果等高清视频观看模式。这里有各国动漫番剧,经典的电影,以及各大电视台热播的国产电视剧,韩剧,日剧,美剧,港剧等同步更新,让你在空闲下来的时候,可以尽情欣赏一部好看的电影动漫番剧、连续剧和综艺节目,为你带来愉快的心情!在观看中体会人生百态,在电影中感受奇思妙想,丰富情感,通过感官感受电影所带来的一切,在内心深处形成感情的共鸣。


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